Advices for interior

Picture frame

An effect of a non-uniform color that can occur when a wall is painted with a roll, but brushed at the corners. Brushed areas appear generally darker, as the "frame of a painting". Also, the sprayed areas may be darker than the adjacent areas that are brushed or painted with roller paint. The effect of the picture frame can also refer to gloss effects.



  • Different paint distribution at application with brush or roller. Brushing will generally result in lower consumption than roller application, producing a thicker film with more spreading rate 

Work systematically - it is advisable to paint a whole wall once, without pause to have no hue differences. Always keep a wet edge when painting by applying paint to unpainted areas and back to the painted area. It is very good to paint the edges first. If you paint with a brush start from the top corner by applying the paint with short movements on small portions vertically and then horizontally. If you paint with a roller, put the paint in the tray, soak the roller the paint and then roll it onto the grid to remove the excess, and then apply the paint to the ceiling and walls. Come as close as possible to the corners. Paint the surface smoothly from top to bottom without interruption to prevent splashes and unsightly stripes.

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